- Registered under Gov. Reg. act 1860.
- Accredited centre of Nielit.
- ISO certified.
- Approved from Tally Academy.
- Authorised centre of PMKVY and NSDC.
- Certificate accepted in all Government & Pvt. department.
- Best infrastructure.
- Highly qualified faculty.
- Good collection of books in library.
- Computer system ratio 1:1.
- Generator and inverter facilities are available.
- Wifi campus.
- Whole premises covered with CCTV surveillance.
- Smart classroom (with projector,audio,video and visual aid).
- Practical taught by faculty in lab with LED TV (so no disturbance of visualisation).
- Air conditioned classrooms & Labs.
- Online support for students (issue user id and password to every student wherever they can get their syllabus,notes,lectures and videos etc.).
- Online verification of certificate.
- 100% placement.
Advantages To Get New Computer Center Franchise of GENERATION NEXT INFOTECH in India:
- Our Franchise Computer Center or Institute Franchisee shall have full right to decide & prescribe own fee structure of courses (as per infrastructure facilities provided in centre or Institute).
- HO will provide & offer Free Admission Form, Prospectus, Student-ID Card, computer education ebooks to all students .
- Mode of Student Training & Exam- Regular & Online Available.
- Right to Use our nationally & internationally certified Brand Name with your Institute Name.
- Every Computer franchise - shall have right to update our courses & add new job oriented courses.
- Computer Center franchise - shall have right to take admission & conduct examination whole year as per prescribed session.
- Computer Certificate are applicable for all types of national & International jobs.
- You have two options to take Exam- (1) ONLINE exam at head office website (2) OFFLINE Examination in your centre.
- Proper guidance to Our I.T centre franchise head for office management works.
- No royalty system opted by HO on total collected fee of course, which is charged by our computer center franchise from student.
- Nominal or Low or affordable One time Computer Center Affiliation Fee for Centre.
- GNIT Computer Franchisee will get centre start up kit (Includes Prospectus, Admission Form, FREE eBook, Student ID Cards,Posters, Authorization Certifcate etc.)
- Head office will provide Admission Inquiry without any charge to you from your area through Advertisement in Internet (google ads) & National Newspapers.
- Easy & Fast Delivery of valid computer Diploma & Certificates to computer franchisee centre by post.
- Participation in national & international activities of the organization shall be provided to Register computer education franchise center director.
- Online Centre Registration Verification Facility.
- Life Time Online Student Roll Number & Certificate Verification Facility.
- In Future, Head Office Will Charge Nominal & affordable one time Registration Fee only for student Certificate & Diploma Courses from You (Centre Owner).
- Job Placement Assistance Cell for deserving students.
- Computer franchise or affiliate will get co-participation in granted Computer training projects, schemes to Sarva Education by Govt, NON Govt. of India Organization on National Level.
- Head office will provide or offer International ISO 9001:2015 certified quality management system (Q.M.S) to its approved computer Institute franchisee.