
Our Mission/Our Vision

MISSION COMPUTER LITERACY–WHOLE LITERACY is a division of GENERATION-NEXT INFOTECH, involved in serving people for IT development in U.P. The basic objective of this division is to provide education to the needy and weaker section of the society.


            Today, computer has come to play an important role in daily life. The career opportunities in computer education are plenty. The increasing software export proves the fact.  Indian Software professionals have proved the world that we can match the international standard. This has further accelerated the growth of software industry resulting in requirement of more skilled man power


            GNIT has gone through a massive survey throughout U.P. and found that about 70% of the total population belongs to weaker section, who can’t afford costly education like computer offered by various organization now-a-days. Such education is limited to wealthy people only and weaker sections are deprived from such valuable education.


            It has also come to our knowledge that many people have a good working knowledge with computer but they do not have a valid computer certificate. Some people have also shortage of time to attend the regular classes in the institute. So keeping this in mind we at GNIT Academy starting our correspondence computer education cell called “Mission Computer Literacy-Whole Literacy” to solve this problem.


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